Monday, September 21, 2009


Maybe after you write your entries, you could sign it. Blogger adds that the post was written by so-and-so but it's so small to try and read. Plus, it's a nickname we give ourselves that some people might not know. Just an idea anyway...

Thinking about still making a blanket for my father-in-law for idea is to knit some scarves and then whip stitch them together. How do you think that would work ladies?

Your Swap Hostess, Samantha D.


  1. This blog is awesome ... Now if I can figure out how to post. Louanne

  2. I am new to this so here goes I will post my pattern when I get the hang of this to make sure it is correct. Love you ladies as girldfriends this is great! Jenny I have been through a lot in my lifetime so feel free to talk to this girlfriend!!

  3. Hi there again! I received my first two pairs of squares today; So exciting! Thanks ladies.
    I think the scarf-joining idea is just fine!
    I can NOT find that one brown color (Med Brown I think) I have looked EVERYWHERE. Is my only option to order it online? I have bought the other 3 assigned yarns. It's like that other one doesn't exist!! (at least, here in FL)
    Where did you all find it???

  4. I found the Dark Brown at Michaels and the Varigated and the Warm Brown at Wal-Mart. I gave up on the 4th color for the moment as I have some similar enough in my stash that I will use for my own squares and/or joining.
